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UCC Filings & Liens Certified

This online certification program aims to give credit professionals of all levels the tools they need to safeguard their outstanding debt through UCC filings and secured transactions.

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About this course

{"miniCertification":{"title":"Protect Your A/R with UCC Filings & Secured Transactions","promo-image-title":"Master your knowledge on UCC Filings and Liens, and earn this exclusive skill badge now!","short-description":"Get exclusive insights from Jerry Bailey on the two different types of UCC Filings - Blanket or Basic Filing and the Purchase Money Security Interest , and learn what steps you should take to protect your unsecured credit.","promo-image":"","duration":"3","modules-count":"4","course-overview":{"description":"According to SP Global, US bankruptcies are on track to hit a 10-year high.

That leaves you, as an unsecured creditor susceptible to high past dues, possible write-offs, and no fallback option if the customer files for bankruptcy. With these challenges ahead, what steps are you taking to protect your unsecured credit in 2023?

With 25+ years of consulting experience on UCC Article 9, Liens, and other nuances of construction credit, Jerry Bailey will help you understand the importance the legal protections of UCC Filing and Mechanic liens.","instructors":[{"name":"Jerry Bailey","title":"Executive Sales & Service Manager, NCS Credit","image":"https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7386813/Jerry%20Bailey.jpg"}],"course-worth-highlight":"","bulletpoints":[{"name":"Secure Your A/R with UCC Filings and Liens"},{"name":"Leverage Collaterals in Article 9 to Recover Payment"},{"name":"Understand the Different types of UCC Filing"},{"name":"Understand Everything about Mechanic's Lien Filing"}],"whats-included":{"get-started-url":"get-started-url","modules-count":"3","checklist-count":"4","templates-count":"3 Ready-to-Use Templates","quiz-count":"3","duration":"3"}},"curriculum-section":{"brochure_url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/Highako%20Course%20Thumbnails/SkillCon%20Thumbnail%20Image/Highako%20Certifications%20Program/Brochures/UCC.pdf","accordion-items":[{"accordion-title-text":"1. Introduction to UCC Filing [1 hour]","accordion-description-text":"1.1.How to Secure Your A/R with UCC Filings and Liens ( 5mins)
1.2. UCC-1 Form Template for Trade Creditors ( 5mins)
1.3. What to Include in Your Final Demand Letter For a UCC Filing (10 mins)
1.4.How to Leverage Collaterals in Article 9 to Recover Payment (5 mins)
1.5. Why Sales is an Essential Factor in UCC Filing (5 mins)
1.6. Find How to Prioritize in UCC Filing(5 mins)
1.7. Checklist: 11 Crucial UCC Filing Tips for Trade Creditors (5 mins)
1.8. An Overview of Article 9: Secured Transactions (5 mins)
1.9. UCC Article 9 Checklist: 10 Steps to Secured Transactions (5 mins)
1.10. Quiz #1
"},{"accordion-title-text":"2. Different Types of UCC Filing [1 hour]","accordion-description-text":"2.1. Blanket, or Basic, UCC-1 Filing (3 mins)
2.2. Purchase Money Security Interest (PMSI) (2 mins)(2 mins)
2.3. Personal Guarantee Template to Reduce SMB Credit Risk (5 mins)
2.4 PMSI: The Value of Repossession (5 mins)
2.5. Fundamentals of UCCs Liens and Purchase Money Security Interest (10 mins)
2.6 Security Agreement: A Detailed Overview (2 mins)
2.7. Template: 17 Security Agreement UCC Clauses for Trade Creditors (5 mins)
2.8. UCC-1 Financing Statement: A Detailed Overview (5 mins)
2.9 How to Get Security for New and Existing Customers (5 mins)
2.10 How to Create a Reason for UCC Filing (5 mins)
2.11. Disposition of Tangible and Intangible Collateral in UCC Filing (5 mins)
2.12. 4 Major Factors to Consider for UCC Filing (5 mins)
2.13. Quiz #2
"},{"accordion-title-text":"3. Mechanic's Lien Filing:A Detailed Overview [30 mins]","accordion-description-text":"3.1. Introduction to Mechanic's Lien Filing Process (5 mins)
3.2. Mechanic's Lien Deadlines: A Detailed Overview (5 mins)
3.3. What are the Prompt Pay Laws in Mechanic's Lien Filing (5 mins)
3.4. UCC Filings and Mechanic's Lien Process: Detailed Overview (5 mins)
3.5. Quiz #3
"},{"accordion-title-text":"4. Final Assessment","accordion-description-text":"4.1. Quiz
4.2. Certificate and Feedback
"}]},"testimonial-section":{"promo-video-url":"https://play.vidyard.com/G5HD6KWRwUrrWZBXikxJ1E.html","team-onboarding-url":"https://calendly.com/shelley-mishra/onboard-your-team","testimonials":[{"testimonial-text":"I was really impressed with what I saw of Highako at Radiance. I plan to introduce this to our 300 member team as part of our training curriculum.","testimonial-author-img":"https://7386813.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7386813/Bill%20Lehmann.png","testimonial-author-name":"Bill Lehmann","testimonial-author-title":"Director, Credit, HPE"},{"testimonial-text":"Highako is doing a great job of curating courses on various critical job skills that address the needs of all credit and collection professionals.","testimonial-author-img":"https://7386813.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7386813/Development%20Team/1516691649873.jpeg","testimonial-author-name":"Disha Sawlani","testimonial-author-title":"Credit Risk Specialist, Acer Europe SA"}]},"managers-section":{"heading-part1":"Dear Credit Managers, ","heading-part2":" We Are Here For You!","description":"As a credit manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that both your credit and collections team are aware of all the critical laws they need to follow for UCC filing.","manager-section-image":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/shutterstock_720924823%201.png","team-onboarding-url":"https://calendly.com/shelley-mishra/onboard-your-team","highlights":[{"highlight":"Secure Your A/R with UCC Filings and Liens"},{"highlight":"Leverage Collaterals in Article 9 to Recover Payment"},{"highlight":"Understand the Different types of UCC Filing"},{"highlight":"Understand Everything about Mechanic's Lien Filing"}]},"post-completion-section":{"heading-part1":"Share Your Achievement After ","heading-part2":"Completing the Course!","description":"Become an expert in UCC Filing and broadcast your achievement to friends and colleagues to get the recognition you deserve.","certificate-image":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/certificates/UCC@2x.png","email-url":"mailto:mike.yakiemchuk@highako.com?cc=rudrani.das@highradius.com&bcc=shelley.mishra@highradius.com&subject=Highako%20Support%3A%20Mini%20Certifications&body=Hi%2C%20%0AHave%20a%20look%20at%20the%20mini-certification%20https%3A%2F%2Facademy.highako.com%2Fucc-filing-mini-certification","public-link-url":"https://www.credly.com/org/highradius/badge/ucc-filings","download-certificate-url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/UCC_mini_certificate_2.png","badge-image-url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/UCC%20Badge@2x.png"},"faq-section":{"title":"FAQs","accordion-items":[{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How does this course work?","accordion-description-text":"The course is 100% on-demand and fully self-paced. Once you enroll, you’ll work through the modules in chronological order and be invited to take part in activities. At the end of each module, you’ll be presented with mandatory quiz questions and if you pass all these, you’ll earn the exclusive badge and get credit and collection laws certified."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How long will the course content take to complete?","accordion-description-text":"The course content, activities, and exams will take approximately 5 hours to complete."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. What are the scoring marks for the quizzes?","accordion-description-text":"You need to score 80% in the Final Quiz, only then you will be able to earn the exclusive Skill Badge on Credit and Collections Laws"},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How long will I have access to the course content?","accordion-description-text":"For life! One off-payment gives you unlimited access to all the course’s content forevermore."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. You have completed watching the course and passed all the quizzes, how do you tell the world?","accordion-description-text":"Highako Certified Skill Badge is a great way to showcase your achievement to peers and potential employers by adding the skill badge to your LinkedIn profile.
Follow the below steps:
Step 1: Visit your academy profile page
Step 2: Click on the 'Accept this Badge'
Step 3: Sign up on Credly using your email address
Step 4: Click on the 'Accept Badge' button
Step 5: Share your Badge on Linkedin
That’s it! You’re all set. Colleagues, prospective employers, recruiters, etc. will now be able to see your new skill badge."}]}}}


  • Decoding UCC Filings & Liens
  • Decoding UCC Filings & Liens
  • Certificate and Feedback

About this course

{"miniCertification":{"title":"Protect Your A/R with UCC Filings & Secured Transactions","promo-image-title":"Master your knowledge on UCC Filings and Liens, and earn this exclusive skill badge now!","short-description":"Get exclusive insights from Jerry Bailey on the two different types of UCC Filings - Blanket or Basic Filing and the Purchase Money Security Interest , and learn what steps you should take to protect your unsecured credit.","promo-image":"","duration":"3","modules-count":"4","course-overview":{"description":"According to SP Global, US bankruptcies are on track to hit a 10-year high.

That leaves you, as an unsecured creditor susceptible to high past dues, possible write-offs, and no fallback option if the customer files for bankruptcy. With these challenges ahead, what steps are you taking to protect your unsecured credit in 2023?

With 25+ years of consulting experience on UCC Article 9, Liens, and other nuances of construction credit, Jerry Bailey will help you understand the importance the legal protections of UCC Filing and Mechanic liens.","instructors":[{"name":"Jerry Bailey","title":"Executive Sales & Service Manager, NCS Credit","image":"https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7386813/Jerry%20Bailey.jpg"}],"course-worth-highlight":"","bulletpoints":[{"name":"Secure Your A/R with UCC Filings and Liens"},{"name":"Leverage Collaterals in Article 9 to Recover Payment"},{"name":"Understand the Different types of UCC Filing"},{"name":"Understand Everything about Mechanic's Lien Filing"}],"whats-included":{"get-started-url":"get-started-url","modules-count":"3","checklist-count":"4","templates-count":"3 Ready-to-Use Templates","quiz-count":"3","duration":"3"}},"curriculum-section":{"brochure_url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/Highako%20Course%20Thumbnails/SkillCon%20Thumbnail%20Image/Highako%20Certifications%20Program/Brochures/UCC.pdf","accordion-items":[{"accordion-title-text":"1. Introduction to UCC Filing [1 hour]","accordion-description-text":"1.1.How to Secure Your A/R with UCC Filings and Liens ( 5mins)
1.2. UCC-1 Form Template for Trade Creditors ( 5mins)
1.3. What to Include in Your Final Demand Letter For a UCC Filing (10 mins)
1.4.How to Leverage Collaterals in Article 9 to Recover Payment (5 mins)
1.5. Why Sales is an Essential Factor in UCC Filing (5 mins)
1.6. Find How to Prioritize in UCC Filing(5 mins)
1.7. Checklist: 11 Crucial UCC Filing Tips for Trade Creditors (5 mins)
1.8. An Overview of Article 9: Secured Transactions (5 mins)
1.9. UCC Article 9 Checklist: 10 Steps to Secured Transactions (5 mins)
1.10. Quiz #1
"},{"accordion-title-text":"2. Different Types of UCC Filing [1 hour]","accordion-description-text":"2.1. Blanket, or Basic, UCC-1 Filing (3 mins)
2.2. Purchase Money Security Interest (PMSI) (2 mins)(2 mins)
2.3. Personal Guarantee Template to Reduce SMB Credit Risk (5 mins)
2.4 PMSI: The Value of Repossession (5 mins)
2.5. Fundamentals of UCCs Liens and Purchase Money Security Interest (10 mins)
2.6 Security Agreement: A Detailed Overview (2 mins)
2.7. Template: 17 Security Agreement UCC Clauses for Trade Creditors (5 mins)
2.8. UCC-1 Financing Statement: A Detailed Overview (5 mins)
2.9 How to Get Security for New and Existing Customers (5 mins)
2.10 How to Create a Reason for UCC Filing (5 mins)
2.11. Disposition of Tangible and Intangible Collateral in UCC Filing (5 mins)
2.12. 4 Major Factors to Consider for UCC Filing (5 mins)
2.13. Quiz #2
"},{"accordion-title-text":"3. Mechanic's Lien Filing:A Detailed Overview [30 mins]","accordion-description-text":"3.1. Introduction to Mechanic's Lien Filing Process (5 mins)
3.2. Mechanic's Lien Deadlines: A Detailed Overview (5 mins)
3.3. What are the Prompt Pay Laws in Mechanic's Lien Filing (5 mins)
3.4. UCC Filings and Mechanic's Lien Process: Detailed Overview (5 mins)
3.5. Quiz #3
"},{"accordion-title-text":"4. Final Assessment","accordion-description-text":"4.1. Quiz
4.2. Certificate and Feedback
"}]},"testimonial-section":{"promo-video-url":"https://play.vidyard.com/G5HD6KWRwUrrWZBXikxJ1E.html","team-onboarding-url":"https://calendly.com/shelley-mishra/onboard-your-team","testimonials":[{"testimonial-text":"I was really impressed with what I saw of Highako at Radiance. I plan to introduce this to our 300 member team as part of our training curriculum.","testimonial-author-img":"https://7386813.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7386813/Bill%20Lehmann.png","testimonial-author-name":"Bill Lehmann","testimonial-author-title":"Director, Credit, HPE"},{"testimonial-text":"Highako is doing a great job of curating courses on various critical job skills that address the needs of all credit and collection professionals.","testimonial-author-img":"https://7386813.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7386813/Development%20Team/1516691649873.jpeg","testimonial-author-name":"Disha Sawlani","testimonial-author-title":"Credit Risk Specialist, Acer Europe SA"}]},"managers-section":{"heading-part1":"Dear Credit Managers, ","heading-part2":" We Are Here For You!","description":"As a credit manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that both your credit and collections team are aware of all the critical laws they need to follow for UCC filing.","manager-section-image":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/shutterstock_720924823%201.png","team-onboarding-url":"https://calendly.com/shelley-mishra/onboard-your-team","highlights":[{"highlight":"Secure Your A/R with UCC Filings and Liens"},{"highlight":"Leverage Collaterals in Article 9 to Recover Payment"},{"highlight":"Understand the Different types of UCC Filing"},{"highlight":"Understand Everything about Mechanic's Lien Filing"}]},"post-completion-section":{"heading-part1":"Share Your Achievement After ","heading-part2":"Completing the Course!","description":"Become an expert in UCC Filing and broadcast your achievement to friends and colleagues to get the recognition you deserve.","certificate-image":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/certificates/UCC@2x.png","email-url":"mailto:mike.yakiemchuk@highako.com?cc=rudrani.das@highradius.com&bcc=shelley.mishra@highradius.com&subject=Highako%20Support%3A%20Mini%20Certifications&body=Hi%2C%20%0AHave%20a%20look%20at%20the%20mini-certification%20https%3A%2F%2Facademy.highako.com%2Fucc-filing-mini-certification","public-link-url":"https://www.credly.com/org/highradius/badge/ucc-filings","download-certificate-url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/UCC_mini_certificate_2.png","badge-image-url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/UCC%20Badge@2x.png"},"faq-section":{"title":"FAQs","accordion-items":[{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How does this course work?","accordion-description-text":"The course is 100% on-demand and fully self-paced. Once you enroll, you’ll work through the modules in chronological order and be invited to take part in activities. At the end of each module, you’ll be presented with mandatory quiz questions and if you pass all these, you’ll earn the exclusive badge and get credit and collection laws certified."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How long will the course content take to complete?","accordion-description-text":"The course content, activities, and exams will take approximately 5 hours to complete."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. What are the scoring marks for the quizzes?","accordion-description-text":"You need to score 80% in the Final Quiz, only then you will be able to earn the exclusive Skill Badge on Credit and Collections Laws"},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How long will I have access to the course content?","accordion-description-text":"For life! One off-payment gives you unlimited access to all the course’s content forevermore."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. You have completed watching the course and passed all the quizzes, how do you tell the world?","accordion-description-text":"Highako Certified Skill Badge is a great way to showcase your achievement to peers and potential employers by adding the skill badge to your LinkedIn profile.
Follow the below steps:
Step 1: Visit your academy profile page
Step 2: Click on the 'Accept this Badge'
Step 3: Sign up on Credly using your email address
Step 4: Click on the 'Accept Badge' button
Step 5: Share your Badge on Linkedin
That’s it! You’re all set. Colleagues, prospective employers, recruiters, etc. will now be able to see your new skill badge."}]}}}


  • Decoding UCC Filings & Liens
  • Decoding UCC Filings & Liens
  • Certificate and Feedback