- Credit & Collection Laws for A/R
Credit & Collection Laws for A/R
Certificate and Feedback
5 Hours
6 Modules
Digital Credentials
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Course Overview:
More than 48% of customers have been filing complaints about inappropriate debt collection calls, as reported by AGA.
Now more than ever, it is crucial to understand when and how often you should contact a customer who owes a balance to your company.
With 25+ years of experience in commercial credit and collections, Robert Shultz and Scott Blakeley will help you understand the importance of eliminating abusive debt collection practices.
Robert Shultz
Founder, Quote to Cash
Solutions(Q2C ) LLC

Scott Blakeley
Partner, Blakeley LLP
After taking this skill certification course, you will be able to:
- Identify all the right steps you should take to avoid harassment and repetitive telephone calls under FDCPA.
- Discover the Robinson Patman and Clayton Act Felony Scenario with interactive examples.
- Articulate and understand the three key ways to communicate bankruptcy to the court.
- Get detailed insight on various scenarios that you may encounter while dealing with preference action.
- Understand the three major types of Statutory Preference Defense and when to apply them.
What’s Included:
6 Modules
8 Checklists
1 Ready-to-Use Template
7 Quiz
5 Hours’ of Content
Digital Badge
100% Self-Paced
Customer Testimonials
Here’s a list of the entire course curriculum:
1.2. Examples of Inappropriate Collection Tactics under FDCPA (15:00)
1.3. 3 Key Points to Remember about FDCPA (10:00)
1.4. Quiz #1
2.2 Interview Questions: How does the Robinson-Patman Act Establish Similarity During Bankruptcy? (10:00)
2.3. Brief Overview of Sherman and Clayton Acts (10:00)
2.4. Robinson Act and Clayton Act: Critical Felony Scenario (10:00)
2.5 Penalties for Violation of the Antitrust Laws (5:00)
2.6 Brief Overview of Federal Trade Commission Act (10:00)
2.7. Quiz #2
3.2. Complete Guide to ECOA Regulations (5:00)
3.3. ECOA Principal Theories and Guidelines: Brief Overview (10:00)
3.4. ECOA Compliance & Penalties (10:00)
4.2. How to Protect SMBs, Sole Proprietors, and Individual Businesses under FCRA (10:00)
4.3. A Blog to Check if Your Customers are Subject to FCRA
4.4. How to Notify Customers when Credit is Denied (8:00)
4.5. Trade Creditor’s Guide to FCRA Debt Dispute Procedures (5:00)
4.6. FCRA Violation: A Trade Creditor Should Avoid (7:00)
4.7. Penalties for Violating FCRA (5:00)
4.8. Bonus: FCRA Authorization Templates for Credit Application and Personal Guarantee
4.9. Quiz #4
5.2. Best Practices to Plan Ahead for Bankrupt Customers (10:00)
5.3. 3 Key Ways to Communicate Bankruptcy to the Court (10:00)
5.4. Quiz #5
6.2. Risk Mitigation Strategies Before Dealing with Preference Action (10:00)
6.3. Understanding the 2 Types of Bankruptcy Preferences (5:00)
6.4. A Complete Checklist On Bankruptcy Warning Signs For Drivers (5:00)
6.5. How the Preference Game is Typically Played (10:00)
6.6. Statutory Preference Defense 1- Contemporaneous Exchange (5:00)
6.7. Statutory Preference Defense 2- Ordinary Course of Business Defense (5:00)
6.8. Statutory Preference Defense 3- New Value (5:00)
6.9. Tips and Tricks to Reduce Preference Exposure (5:00)
6.10. Quiz #6
7.2. Certificate and Feedback
What to Expect from this Certificate Course
Dear Credit Managers, We Are Here For You!
As a credit manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that both your credit and collections team are aware of all the critical laws they need to follow during debt collection.
This skill certification course equips your team with the skills to:
- Build better customer relationships with the help of FDCPA.
- Identify the right time to call for a past due balance inquiry.
- Understand the penalties for violation of the antitrust laws.
- Mitigate the risk of bankruptcy preference lawsuits.
- Legal steps to follow under ECOA when a person is denied credit.
If you want to get your team certified, then please book a meeting with us. We also have some special discounts just for you!

Share Your Achievement After Completing the Course!
Become an expert in credit and collections laws and broadcast your achievement to friends and colleagues to get the recognition you deserve.

Share your achievement on social media.
Send your badge or take it offline
The course is 100% on-demand and fully self-paced. Once you enroll, you’ll work through the modules in chronological order and be invited to take part in activities. At the end of each module, you’ll be presented with mandatory quiz questions and if you pass all these, you’ll earn the exclusive badge and get credit and collection laws certified.
The course content, activities, and exams will take approximately 5 hours to complete.
You need to score 80% in the Final Quiz, only then you will be able to earn the exclusive Skill Badge on Credit and Collections Laws
For life! One off-payment gives you unlimited access to all the course’s content forevermore.
Highako Certified Skill Badge is a great way to showcase your achievement to peers and potential employers by adding the skill badge to your LinkedIn profile.
Follow the below steps:
Step 1: Visit your academy profile page
Step 2: Click on the 'Accept this Badge'
Step 3: Sign up on Credly using your email address
Step 4: Click on the 'Accept Badge' button
Step 5: Share your Badge on Linkedin
That’s it! You’re all set. Colleagues, prospective employers, recruiters, etc. will now be able to see your new skill badge.
More questions? Write to us at support@highako.com
Credit and Collections Laws Certified
This online certification program is designed to equip credit professionals at all levels with business-critical skills across FDCPA, ECOA, Antitrust Laws, and Bankruptcy Preference Claims.
{"miniCertification":{"title":"Credit and Collection Laws: Certificate Course","short-description":"Keeping Your A/R Safe with Credit and Collection Laws","promo-image-title":"Earn this exclusive badge on credit and collection laws now!","promo-image":"","duration":"5","modules-count":"6","course-overview":{"description":"More than 48% of customers have been filing complaints about inappropriate debt collection calls, as reported by AGA.
Now more than ever, it is crucial to understand when and how often you should contact a customer who owes a balance to your company.
With 25+ years of experience in commercial credit and collections, Robert Shultz and Scott Blakeley will help you understand the importance of eliminating abusive debt collection practices.","instructors":[{"name":"Robert Shultz","title":"Founder, Quote to Cash
Solutions(Q2C ) LLC","image":"https://7386813.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7386813/image%2071.svg"},{"name":"Scott Blakeley","title":"Partner, Blakeley LLP","image":"https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7386813/Highako%20Course%20Thumbnails/Scott-Blakeley.png"}],"course-worth-highlight":"","bulletpoints":[{"name":"Identify all the right steps you should take to avoid harassment and repetitive telephone calls under FDCPA."},{"name":"Discover the Robinson Patman and Clayton Act Felony Scenario with interactive examples."},{"name":"Articulate and understand the three key ways to communicate bankruptcy to the court."},{"name":"Get detailed insight on various scenarios that you may encounter while dealing with preference action."},{"name":"Understand the three major types of Statutory Preference Defense and when to apply them."}],"whats-included":{"get-started-url":"get-started-url","modules-count":"6","checklist-count":"8","templates-count":"1 Ready-to-Use Template","quiz-count":"7","interactive-scenarios-count":"3","duration":"5"}},"curriculum-section":{"brochure_url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/Highako%20Course%20Thumbnails/SkillCon%20Thumbnail%20Image/Highako%20Certifications%20Program/Brochures/CCL.pdf","accordion-items":[{"accordion-title-text":"1. Understanding the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act [30 mins]","accordion-description-text":"1.1. The ABCs of Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) (5:00)
1.2. Examples of Inappropriate Collection Tactics under FDCPA (15:00)
1.3. 3 Key Points to Remember about FDCPA (10:00)
1.4. Quiz #1"},{"accordion-title-text":"2. Understanding the Antitrust Laws [45 mins]","accordion-description-text":"2.1. Introduction to the Antitrust Regulation Robinson Patman Act (5:00)
2.2 Interview Questions: How does the Robinson-Patman Act Establish Similarity During Bankruptcy? (10:00)
2.3. Brief Overview of Sherman and Clayton Acts (10:00)
2.4. Robinson Act and Clayton Act: Critical Felony Scenario (10:00)
2.5 Penalties for Violation of the Antitrust Laws (5:00)
2.6 Brief Overview of Federal Trade Commission Act (10:00)
2.7. Quiz #2"},{"accordion-title-text":"3. Understanding the Equal Credit Opportunity Act [30 mins] ","accordion-description-text":"3.1. Understanding the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) (5:00)
3.2. Complete Guide to ECOA Regulations (5:00)
3.3. ECOA Principal Theories and Guidelines: Brief Overview (10:00)
3.4. ECOA Compliance & Penalties (10:00)
"},{"accordion-title-text":"4. Understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) [45 mins] ","accordion-description-text":"4.1. FCRA 101: Purpose and Scope for Small Customers (8:00)
4.2. How to Protect SMBs, Sole Proprietors, and Individual Businesses under FCRA (10:00)
4.3. A Blog to Check if Your Customers are Subject to FCRA
4.4. How to Notify Customers when Credit is Denied (8:00)
4.5. Trade Creditor’s Guide to FCRA Debt Dispute Procedures (5:00)
4.6. FCRA Violation: A Trade Creditor Should Avoid (7:00)
4.7. Penalties for Violating FCRA (5:00)
4.8. Bonus: FCRA Authorization Templates for Credit Application and Personal Guarantee
4.9. Quiz #4"},{"accordion-title-text":"5. Handling Credit and Collections for Bankrupt Customers
[30 mins] ","accordion-description-text":"5.1. Creditor’s Guide to Bankruptcy Chapters 7, 11, and 13 (10:00)
5.2. Best Practices to Plan Ahead for Bankrupt Customers (10:00)
5.3. 3 Key Ways to Communicate Bankruptcy to the Court (10:00)
5.4. Quiz #5"},{"accordion-title-text":"6. How to Keep Your AR Safe with Preference Provision [1 hour]","accordion-description-text":"6.1. Trade Creditor’s Role while Dealing with Preference Action ( 10:00)
6.2. Risk Mitigation Strategies Before Dealing with Preference Action (10:00)
6.3. Understanding the 2 Types of Bankruptcy Preferences (5:00)
6.4. A Complete Checklist On Bankruptcy Warning Signs For Drivers (5:00)
6.5. How the Preference Game is Typically Played (10:00)
6.6. Statutory Preference Defense 1- Contemporaneous Exchange (5:00)
6.7. Statutory Preference Defense 2- Ordinary Course of Business Defense (5:00)
6.8. Statutory Preference Defense 3- New Value (5:00)
6.9. Tips and Tricks to Reduce Preference Exposure (5:00)
6.10. Quiz #6
"},{"accordion-title-text":"7. Final Assessment","accordion-description-text":"7.1. Final Quiz
7.2. Certificate and Feedback
"}]},"testimonial-section":{"promo-video-url":"https://play.vidyard.com/cHtk4hd5Cxq1fiE3eiwfmM.html","team-onboarding-url":"team-onboarding-url","testimonials":[{"testimonial-text":"I was really impressed with what I saw of Highako at Radiance. I plan to introduce this to our 300 member team as part of our training curriculum.","testimonial-author-img":"https://7386813.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7386813/Bill%20Lehmann.png","testimonial-author-name":"Bill Lehmann","testimonial-author-title":"Director, Credit, HPE"},{"testimonial-text":"Highako is doing a great job of curating courses on various critical job skills that address the needs of all credit and collection professionals.","testimonial-author-img":"https://7386813.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7386813/Development%20Team/1516691649873.jpeg","testimonial-author-name":"Disha Sawlani","testimonial-author-title":"Credit Risk Specialist, Acer Europe SA"}]},"managers-section":{"heading-part1":"Dear Credit Managers, ","heading-part2":" We Are Here For You!","description":"As a credit manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that both your credit and collections team are aware of all the critical laws they need to follow during debt collection.","manager-section-image":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/shutterstock_720924823%201.png","team-onboarding-url":"https://calendly.com/shelley-mishra/onboard-your-team","highlights":[{"highlight":"Build better customer relationships with the help of FDCPA."},{"highlight":"Identify the right time to call for a past due balance inquiry."},{"highlight":"Understand the penalties for violation of the antitrust laws."},{"highlight":"Mitigate the risk of bankruptcy preference lawsuits."},{"highlight":"Legal steps to follow under ECOA when a person is denied credit."}]},"post-completion-section":{"heading-part1":"Share Your Achievement After ","heading-part2":"Completing the Course!","description":"Become an expert in credit and collections laws and broadcast your achievement to friends and colleagues to get the recognition you deserve.","certificate-image":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/certificates/AR@2x.png","email-url":"mailto:mike.yakiemchuk@highako.com?cc=rudrani.das@highradius.com&bcc=shelley.mishra@highradius.com&subject=Highako%20Support%3A%20Mini%20Certifications&body=Hi%2C%20%0AHave%20a%20look%20at%20the%20mini-certification%20https%3A%2F%2Facademy.highako.com%2Far-credit-collections-laws-mini-certification","public-link-url":"https://www.credly.com/org/highradius/badge/a-r-laws","download-certificate-url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/CCL_mini_certificate_2.png","badge-image-url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/A_R%20CCL%20Badge@2x.png"},"faq-section":{"title":"FAQs","accordion-items":[{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How does this course work?","accordion-description-text":"The course is 100% on-demand and fully self-paced. Once you enroll, you’ll work through the modules in chronological order and be invited to take part in activities. At the end of each module, you’ll be presented with mandatory quiz questions and if you pass all these, you’ll earn the exclusive badge and get credit and collection laws certified."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How long will the course content take to complete?","accordion-description-text":"The course content, activities, and exams will take approximately 5 hours to complete."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. What are the scoring marks for the quizzes?","accordion-description-text":"You need to score 80% in the Final Quiz, only then you will be able to earn the exclusive Skill Badge on Credit and Collections Laws"},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How long will I have access to the course content?","accordion-description-text":"For life! One off-payment gives you unlimited access to all the course’s content forevermore."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. You have completed watching the course and passed all the quizzes, how do you tell the world?","accordion-description-text":"Highako Certified Skill Badge is a great way to showcase your achievement to peers and potential employers by adding the skill badge to your LinkedIn profile.
Follow the below steps:
Step 1: Visit your academy profile page
Step 2: Click on the 'Accept this Badge'
Step 3: Sign up on Credly using your email address
Step 4: Click on the 'Accept Badge' button
Step 5: Share your Badge on Linkedin
That’s it! You’re all set. Colleagues, prospective employers, recruiters, etc. will now be able to see your new skill badge."}]}}}