- Interpreting Financial Statements & Balance Sheets
Interpreting Financial Statements & Balance Sheets
Certificate and Feedback

Financial Statement Analysis Certified
This online certification program is designed to offer credit professionals an in-depth understanding of the different tools and approaches for interpreting financial ratios and financial statements to determine your customer's creditworthiness.
{"miniCertification":{"title":"Evaluating Customer Creditworthiness using Financial Statements","promo-image-title":"Master your knowledge in Financial Statement Analysis and earn this exclusive skill badge now!","short-description":"Get exclusive insights from Robert Shultz on analyzing financial statements, and learn how to assess the creditworthiness of a customer.","promo-image":"","duration":"2","modules-count":"3","course-overview":{"description":"In the world of Credit, every customer comes with an associated risk and we cannot estimate them by using simple math. The best tool for never making a bad credit decision is using Financial Statements that will help you assess the creditworthiness of a customer and project Future Scenarios. With 25+ years of experience in commercial credit and collections, Robert Shultz will help you understand the importance of Credit Risk Assessment with the help of Financial Statement Analysis.","instructors":[{"name":"Robert Shultz","title":"Founder, Quote to Cash Solutions(Q2C ) LLC","image":"https://7386813.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7386813/image%2071.svg"}],"course-worth-highlight":"","bulletpoints":[{"name":"Identify customer's past trends to assess the ability to pay financial obligations."},{"name":"Project future scenarios such as base case, stress case and default case."},{"name":"Understand Porter's five forces model to determine weaknesses and strengths."},{"name":"Identify the major cash drivers for enhanced credit assessment."}],"whats-included":{"get-started-url":"get-started-url","modules-count":"3","checklist-count":"1","templates-count":"1 Ready-to-Use Template","quiz-count":"4","duration":"2"}},"curriculum-section":{"brochure_url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/Highako%20Course%20Thumbnails/SkillCon%20Thumbnail%20Image/Highako%20Certifications%20Program/Brochures/FSA%20(1).pdf","accordion-items":[{"accordion-title-text":"1. What to Look for in a Financial Statement [ 35 mins ]","accordion-description-text":"1.1. Understanding the Importance of Analyzing Financial Statements (3 mins) 1.2. Key Considerations for an Effective Financial Review(4 mins) 1.3. Project Future Scenarios - What If? (3 mins) 1.4. Understanding The New 5 C's of Credit (5 mins) 1.5. Understanding the Financial Statement Story (5 mins) 1.6. Top 6 Tips on Obtaining Financial Statements from Your Customers (10 mins) 1.7. Evaluating Creditworthiness Using Porter’s Five Forces Model (3 mins) 1.8. Quiz #1 "},{"accordion-title-text":"2. Credit Analysis is More Than Math [35 mins]","accordion-description-text":"2.1. An Overview of the Components of a Balance Sheet (3 mins) 2.2. What are Assets in a Balance Sheet (4 mins) 2.3. What are Liabilities in a Balance Sheet (3 mins) 2.4. What is Equity in a Balance Sheet (3 mins) 2.5. A Brief Overview of the Profit and Loss Statement (3 mins) 2.6. The Importance of Profitability to a Company’s Financial Growth (4 mins) 2.7. Credit Review Template to Analyze Customer's Financial Health (10 mins) 2.8. How to Analyze a Company’s Profit and Cash Position (4 mins) 2.9. Quiz #2 "},{"accordion-title-text":"3. Key Financial Ratio For Trade Credit Analysts [20 mins]","accordion-description-text":"3.1. The Importance of Ratios (3 mins) 3.2. Understanding Liquidity Ratio Analysis (7 mins) 3.3. Understanding Activity Ratio Analysis (4 mins) 3.4. Quiz #3 "},{"accordion-title-text":"4. Final Assessment","accordion-description-text":"4.1. Quiz 4.2. Certificate and Feedback "}]},"testimonial-section":{"promo-video-url":"https://play.vidyard.com/m7Ny2j6FPFZpaFHetAWHLZ.html","team-onboarding-url":"team-onboarding-url","testimonials":[{"testimonial-text":"I was really impressed with what I saw of Highako at Radiance. I plan to introduce this to our 300 member team as part of our training curriculum.","testimonial-author-img":"https://7386813.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7386813/Bill%20Lehmann.png","testimonial-author-name":"Bill Lehmann","testimonial-author-title":"Director, Credit, HPE"},{"testimonial-text":"Highako is doing a great job of curating courses on various critical job skills that address the needs of all credit and collection professionals.","testimonial-author-img":"https://7386813.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7386813/Development%20Team/1516691649873.jpeg","testimonial-author-name":"Disha Sawlani","testimonial-author-title":"Credit Risk Specialist, Acer Europe SA"}]},"managers-section":{"heading-part1":"Dear Credit Managers, ","heading-part2":" We Are Here For You!","description":"As a credit manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that both your credit and collections team are aware of all the critical laws they need to follow during financial statement analysis.","manager-section-image":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/shutterstock_720924823%201.png","team-onboarding-url":"https://calendly.com/shelley-mishra/onboard-your-team","highlights":[{"highlight":"Identify customer's past trends to assess the ability to pay financial obligations."},{"highlight":"Project future scenarios such as base case, stress case and default case."},{"highlight":"Understand Porter’s five forces model to determine weaknesses and strengths."},{"highlight":"Identify the major cash drivers for enhanced credit assessment."}]},"post-completion-section":{"heading-part1":"Share Your Achievement After ","heading-part2":"Completing the Course!","description":"Become an expert in financial statement analysis and broadcast your achievement to friends and colleagues to get the recognition you deserve.","certificate-image":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/certificates/FSA@2x.png","email-url":"mailto:mike.yakiemchuk@highako.com?cc=rudrani.das@highradius.com&bcc=shelley.mishra@highradius.com&subject=Highako%20Support%3A%20Mini%20Certifications&body=Hi%2C%20%0AHave%20a%20look%20at%20the%20mini-certification%20https%3A%2F%2Facademy.highako.com%2Ffinancial-statement-analysis-mini-certification","public-link-url":"https://www.credly.com/org/highradius/badge/financial-statements-analysis","download-certificate-url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/FSA_mini_certificate_2.png","badge-image-url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/mini_certification_pages/FSA%20Badge@2x.png"},"faq-section":{"title":"FAQs","accordion-items":[{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How does this course work?","accordion-description-text":"The course is 100% on-demand and fully self-paced. Once you enroll, you’ll work through the modules in chronological order and be invited to take part in activities. At the end of each module, you’ll be presented with mandatory quiz questions and if you pass all these, you’ll earn the exclusive badge and get credit and collection laws certified."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How long will the course content take to complete?","accordion-description-text":"The course content, activities, and exams will take approximately 5 hours to complete."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. What are the scoring marks for the quizzes?","accordion-description-text":"You need to score 80% in the Final Quiz, only then you will be able to earn the exclusive Skill Badge on Credit and Collections Laws"},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How long will I have access to the course content?","accordion-description-text":"For life! One off-payment gives you unlimited access to all the course’s content forever and more."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. You have completed watching the course and passed all the quizzes, how do you tell the world?","accordion-description-text":"Highako Certified Skill Badge is a great way to showcase your achievement to peers and potential employers by adding the skill badge to your LinkedIn profile. Follow the below steps: Step 1: Visit your academy profile page Step 2: Click on the 'Accept this Badge' Step 3: Sign up on Credly using your email address Step 4: Click on the 'Accept Badge' button Step 5: Share your Badge on Linkedin That’s it! You’re all set. Colleagues, prospective employers, recruiters, etc. will now be able to see your new skill badge."}]}}}