- Credit and Sales Team: Actual Strategy to Maximize Revenue (~20 Mins)
Importance of Collateral in Article 9 Secured Transactions
Understanding the Credit/Sales Relationship During UCC Filing
4 Major Skill Sets Required to Secure Your Receivables
How to Minimize Write-offs in Your Business
Quick Quiz
- Introduction to Article 9 Secured Transactions (~15 Mins)
Article 9 Secured Transactions: Brief Overview
Banking vs Trade Credit
Understanding How to Prioritize in UCC Filing
Quick Quiz
- 2 Major Types of UCC Filings (~5 Mins)
What is Blanket Filing: Brief Overview
Understanding PMSI: Brief Overview
Quick Quiz
- 2 Required Elements for Securing Your Receivables (~5 Mins)
What is Security Agreement: In-Depth Overview
What is UCC-1 Financing Statement: In-Depth Overview
Quick Quiz
- 2 Major Areas to Take Security (~5 Mins)
Taking Security for New Customers
Taking Security for Existing Customers
Quick Quiz
- Understanding Credit Application Security Agreement (~5 Mins)
How to Take Security for Promissory Notes
Credit Application Security Agreement: Detailed Overview
Quick Quiz
- Understanding Mechanic's Lien Process (~5 Mins)
How Does Mechanic's Lien Process Help in Securing Transactions
- Final Assessment
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- Lesson Overview
As a credit manager, did you come across a situation where you had to tell a salesperson to turn away a sale? The reason being the credit risk was way too high.
Secured transactions can help you deal with high past dues by leveraging the personal property assets of their customer. This course will help you leverage best practices to promote commerce, encourage lending and sales, and play a vital role in driving our economy.
Join Jerry Bailey, Executive Sales and Education Services Manager for NCS, and discover how secured transactions can increase your sales while protecting your receivables.
Find out how to use secured transactions to increase your company’s sales:
- Sell to marginal accounts when you typically would not extend credit.
- Expand credit lines for customers that are exceeding their credit limit.
- Work with customers who are past due and need additional time to pay.
- Sell to a customer that places an order much larger than any in their history.
- Provide materials or services to a construction project when you have serious credit apprehensions.
- Implement credit promotional programs. Sales does it, why can’t we?

Creditor's Guide to Secured Transactions: How to Protect Your A/R
Course 1 of 5 in Creditor's Exclusive Guide to UCC Filings, Liens, & Factorings
Discover how secured transactions can increase your sales while protecting your receivables.
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