Explore this master course for a comprehensive overview of various types of configurations on the collection management software. In this course, our experts will give you a solution walkthrough for loading and configuring the customer contact job. You will be able to configure reader mapping and load contact extracts, and you will have a solid grasp of the complete CM and A/R job loading in the Collection Management Software.
You'll also be learning about the derived attributes and their significance in customer contacts and payment history jobs.
This course will help you get a hands-on experience with different configurations and become certified in operating HighRadius Collections Software Solutions.
Key Learning Objectives:
By the time you complete this course, you will be able to:
- Configure Customer Contacts
- Understand the link between A/R and Payment History Job
- Extract and Configure Payment History
- Configure and Execute Agents
Course Essentials:
The 1-hour learning content is a part of our 15-hour-long accredited professional collection series. After the successful completion of the course and assessment, you will be one step closer to achieving the milestone, i.e., the Collection Administrator Level Badge.
Course 1: Enterprise Cloud Integration 101: Creating A/R Jobs