CPR, Account Briefing & SIH
CPR, Account Briefing & SIH
Sales L&D Session: CPR, Account Briefing & SIH 1/21/2021
Weekly Sales training sessions
We are kicking off weekly Sales L&D sessions, with a maniacal focus on the Top 8 Skills we believe the entire sales team needs for us to hit our targets in 2021.
This session begins with a review and recap of Company & People Research as sales must reach out to different departments, levels, and roles throughout the sales cycle to ensure all decision makers and influencers are identified. Next, we'll have a demo of the NEW Account Briefing, which is replacing the former Account Research template, and includes the various pieces of data gathered and known from CPR. Finally, we'll close with a review of the Sales Interaction History, which is in understanding Past-to-Present interactions as a foundation to build your strategy and action plan for your next engagement with the prospect/client.