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Are Recent College Grads Unprepared to Join the Workforce?

A survey conducted on July 27, 2023, of 1,243 business leaders by Intelligent.com, sought to understand more about how Generation Z, and specifically recent college graduates, are being perceived in the workplace.

Read this Press Release by Intelligent.com

According to Diane Gayeski, Ph.D., Professor of Strategic Communication at Ithaca College and Principal of Gayeski Analytics, “Elders have always complained about the ‘new generation’ – but somehow each new cohort has managed to find work and eventually to lead. The two-year gap of Zoom school clearly had a large impact on college students who typically grow dramatically in their “people” skills and confidence by class discussions, clubs, and dorm life. They missed out on a lot of travel opportunities as well as interacting with people outside their own families. The trick for smart organizations will be to understand the styles and values of the incoming cohort, and for leaders to ask themselves how they can create organizations that do well and do good – for their employees and their customers. 


Editor, Highako Academy

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