In today's dynamic economy, sometimes it might get difficult for the credit analysts to assess the creditworthiness of the customer, as they fail to figure out the right parameters on the basis of which they can assess the customers. The lack of definite rules and parameters results in an unsettled situation, where they end up extending more credit limits to an unworthy customer. This raises a question on the credibility of the organization, business, and their employees.
This specialized Microsoft Dynamics course enables you to gain a better understanding of their credit management system where the credit analysts could check customers against a set of definite predefined rules known as 'blocking rules'.
Blocking rules allow credit analysts to set up a series of different blocking rules based on common credit-related rules that will trigger credit management holds on a sales order. This makes the task of analysts more simplistic and also adds credibility and transparency to the whole process.
Tune in to this course by our expert, Manmohan Jain, and learn about the various dimensions of blocking rules and how they are leveraged to assess the customer's creditworthiness and can save businesses from falling into debt by extending credit limits to inappropriate customers.