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Five Brilliant Responses to Diffuse an Angry Customer



"I need a solid response for Mom & Pops who demand over-the-top leniency due to the length of the partnership," inquired a member of our forum a while back. Like most, she has developed a good number of standard responses over the years for the typical comments/objections she encounters in the collection trenches, but this was a different situation. Does anybody have some good responses they would like to share?" she asked.

"This is an issue we face constantly," responded list member Kathleen Hernandez, National Credit and A/R Manager, E. B. Bradley Co./West Coast Laminating. She continued:

Just yesterday, a 'Pa' called screaming, "Why haven't you given me credit? Why haven't you noticed what a good (COD) customer I am? Does 20 years of loyalty mean anything?" [He continued] ranting as I madly looked around for a credit file or a clue as to why he might be so upset.

I let him finish his rant and asked, "Sir, have you applied for credit?"

"Well, no."

"Then let me congratulate you for being such a loyal COD customer who never gave us issues. You are one of a handful with that distinction. Your name has not crossed my desk and I am not acquainted with you and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will personally handle your request when you return your application. Make sure that you send it to my attention."

Diffused and dazed, he asked her for a credit application and thanked her for my time. "I do not know if Mr. Pop will apply for credit or not, nor if he will qualify. Sometimes I think they and we all just need recognition. I try and leave them with some action they can take for future consideration:

      • Let's start you with something small, and work from that, but don't be offended if we call often to reduce the line.
      • We're just helping you develop your credit.
      • Maybe in six months, you can clean up some issues that show up on your personal report and I'll reconsider then.
      • Are there some references that you can build up and I'll take another look at that time.
      • Maybe you could send me all the documents once again and I will make sure to look at them on priority.




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